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Saturday, January 17, 2015

【DIY|自制】Self Blame of the CNY Card 2015|2015新年卡之遗憾的开始

January 17, 2015, Saturday
The Chinese version of this post, I wrote it in the middle of night, while I was still self blame that I couldn't have a fully handmade card to send out...

To begin of the story got to bring it back to last year December, after I sent out the Christmas cards, basically I don't care anymore after I had sent out more, I seriously didn't go track them, where they went, maybe for the first two days then YES. Afterwards I was just totally forgot about it...

But so unfortunately just right after I sent out a few days, got message from third person knew that one of the receiver asked "Who's XiaoYing?" Then give a damn unhappy face......honestly, I was like......you don't know me?? I'm not somebody very famous, but I'm not a nobody! And the mysterious story is this person got things sent by me before, very obvious she knows me and surprisingly that time this person was even post it in the social media!!

Meanwhile I was so mad and wish to have some kind of super power that allow  me to stop the postman by sending it out, as I want to take it back, tear it, step on it, throw it, burn it......also don't want it to be received (Yah, I was that mad duh!!)

I don't expect anythings to return and never ever, like I said, after I post out everything then I won't give a damn thing about it, just like summit projects to the lecturer, after summit everything, I won't even bother to look back!! 

But of course really thanks to those gorgeous who will really
 drop by a message notified that they've already received it, I appreciate that very much!!
一直以来我送出去的,都会经过我一段的审查,丢弃再开始丢弃再开始。。。但何来今年的贺年卡会来得那么不符合我的风格? 出乎意料的失败加est。。。

缘由去年的圣诞。。。一开始,应该说一开始我本来就是而且根本就是送人卡片这东西就从来(看清楚是“从来”)就不想什么回报,莫非你会以为我会去奢望你会感动到也自己自制一个? 还是刻意去买礼物送我? 拜托,还小吗???不要那么小家子气好吗?


可是有谁会想到这次我机缘巧合上就发觉有一位收了到了我两次的贺卡后,还可以出口的一句的问“小影是谁来的?” ,我顿时还回不过神来。。。原来我只是一个nobody,虽然我不是没什么somebody,但也不是nobody到那么烂吧! 奇妙的是这位收到第一份的时候还可以指出我是谁而道谢,当这位还没收到第二份的时候,我在有机缘的当下。。。这位说出却不知道我是谁的人,而且还顿时表现得很不高兴。。。(我又来了,我又再把我的热脸往别人的冷屁股贴,自己拿来,然后别人不知道你,你又要生气那种!  而且我当时还很戏剧化任性的在幻想,我可不可以临时截停那位邮差,死不让他送到,即使我拿去当废纸,用脚踩,撕烂,丢进垃圾桶,拿去当火柴烧我都还没有那么无语及心里不平衡!)

So the end of the result is I send the card thing out is to enlighten your day, even me myself wasn't that happy and pissed off, how am I gonna to design an enlighten and happy card ya?? By seeing the date is getting closer and closer, this's my only choice......

[This post is like some sort of rant post, but I wrote all these were just trying to explain why I've did so bad on the CNY card this year. After all has released, I'm feeling much better. And finally have a pretty good design for the CNY card next year, will see......]



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1 comment:

  1. 哎哟,这样的话我也会很难过。


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