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Friday, June 14, 2013


June 14, 2013, Friday
事過這麼久,我還大概記得在哪裡買,我還真的很厲害。 記得那時候我在金河商場大門口出來,左邊的那家鞋店。 我這天是因為某些事要做,才到這家商場的,臨走前,還可以來個購物一番。 因為我雙腳很小,所以要買一雙合適的鞋子真的很難,基本上我都是比較偏向於跑步鞋或者是球鞋的,因為那些種類的,會比較容易找。

粉紅色的鞋子,我基本上真的很少穿這樣的鞋子,我的怪癖是很喜歡穿襪子,很喜歡把雙腳抱起來,這雙我大多數都是在出門短途的時候才會穿,像是去吃個晚餐還是早餐的時候吧! 上面的毛毛和裝飾有試過掉下來,我拿個強力膠把它黏回後,它到現在還很美哦!

有點夏日風的兩雙鞋子,粉紅色這對立面有隱藏著內增高的鞋墊,所以這雙我很愛穿,到現在還在穿著,唯一的缺點是我太懶惰洗了,搞得它現在變成黑粉紅了。 白色這雙,因為底部脫落,修不回,所以丟掉了,記得我當時沒有很常穿它,因為我嫌它太麻煩了,它是由腳跟包到腳踝的,所以不能自由穿上穿下,一定要綁鞋脫鞋這樣的。
Back in so long haul post, yes! I'm still like to cleaning up my blog post. Basically nowadays I don't care about the reading rate, I just whatever I like. Plus, I hardly have time to blog, so I don't want to set so much limit to myself. Oh well, back to the story, I got these in 2013, yep, is in 2013, hmmm....just say it as a recall post then. I got them at the same shop at Sungai Wang, a shop on the left near the entrance. I so call like the first one, because it's very lady (I don't have many very lady stuffs though) the furry ribbon dropped off once, but it looks okay now after I fixed it with some super glue. I wear this for a daily short trip like go out for dinner or breakfast. For the second shoes, I don't have it anymore, because the bottom of the shoe came off an it can't be fixed. Also to be honest, I don't like it so much, because it has to be fully tied with the shoe lace every time you wear it, it's not like easy wear and tear. Third one still one of my favorite because it has internal insole at the back, sort of like small high heel, the only comment for it now is I didn't wash it recently so it became like dark pink instead of light pink as it used to be.

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